Wednesday, October 19, 2005


i just looked this word up quickly, googled it to be exact, and discovered that i had spelled it right the first time, was proud of myself, then had a crushing realization that i was getting a little too proud of myself. earlier i was attempting to figure out how to fix a digital camera, which i'd like to think is broken because i was not able to fix the problem, which may be a machine malfunction, but is more likely old fashioned human error at work in the workplace. things can go wrong and sometimes they do go wrong, all at once, though in a very boring and tedious way, nothing spectacular like sparks flying out of things. i had a brief thought: trapped in a blaze in the oldest, shabbiest office building in Downtown Brooklyn. what a fucking view though. 25th floor, facing due north. a view to a kill, or maybe a death, from smoke inhalation. that or some sort of freak accident--the old 'box falling off the top of the pile onto someone's unsuspecting noggin routine. an infinitely more ignominious (and possibly more likely) end.

i'm doing the old Texas Two Step and almost falling over. it's midday there and the rain is coming down in buckets, pales, and seemingly every other container known to purvey rainwater from heaven to earth. i tripped on something. it's better than it used to be but still a cluttered office. i'm having a shitty time because nothing is going right. downtown Manhattan is a memory as clouds roil and spill their pissy rain all over things. misty, at that. and it's not going well inside; the day is slowly decaying, and no one is really too uptight about it. pays not to be. patientce will pay off. patience. so long as, and this is another small problem, we get paid once in a while.


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